วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Natural disaster #continuous (week 4)

On Sunday ago, I study about Natural Disasters News same last week.

News stories 4: Japan earthquake: Tsunami hits north-east.
Summery: This news stories about Japan earthquake when 11 Mach 2011. It was affected North-East of Japan and was the 8.9 magnitude. It had been 350 people dead and about 500 missing. The car, ship and building were swept away by a wall of water.

News stories 5: California fires: Evacuation orders given to 13,000
Summery: This news stories about the California fires was on Monday at California. The people were evacuated 13,000 and the homes were burnt down for 24 and the 5,500 homes from the fire. Caused the fire were drought, coupled with unseasonably humid conditions.

When I studies about news stories, I used guessing the mean of words, scanning the title and finding the words.

The unfamiliar words and find their meaning from dictionaries.

Homework: Answer the question that what technologies can you use to learn English? How?

Skout is an application for find a friend. This app is use by people around the world. I can use it to chat with friends abroad in exchange languages and cultures. It will also improve their English. Because most of the conversation in English. The app also allows use to learn English and easy to understand. It is useful to learn English a lot.

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Natural disaster (week 3)

Last week I studies about News Stories: Natural Disasters.

I learned about the words that are in association with natural disaster such as Thunderstorm, earthquakes, depression, storm, hurricane, forest fire, mudslides, tsunami, rain storm, and wildfire

After that I learned News Stories 1-3

News Stories 1: Myanmar flooding affects one million.

Summery: This news stories was about Myanmar flooding affect one million people had been affected by floods nearly one million. People were death toll up to 100 people and made the floods worse by Cyclone Komen.

News Stories2: Typhoon Soudelor hits China with deaths, floods and mudslides.
Summery: Its typhoon warning on Monday as the storm weakened and moved further inland. The typhoon made in Chines provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang, with damage bill exceeding $1bn. And people were injured by the storm in Taiwan, the number of people killed by typhoon to 17.

News Stories3: Landslides kill 9 in Doti and Gulmi districts of Nepal.

Summery:  At least nine people died due to landslides in Nepal, people died as landslide on   Monday night. One person injured at the site.

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A healthy diet #continuous (week 2)

A healthy diet. (Continuous)

The teacher taught about "Westerners turn to a Japanese diet"

The studies of the Essential Skills by reading from the Westerners turn to a Japanese diet, so we learn to using skills. Predicting / Activating vocabulary, Skimming and Scanning, Reading for detail, Understanding references,and Vocabulary in context

I think this skill is easy.

- Predicting / Activating vocabulary.  We read a text about people in the West changing to a Japanese diet. By check the ones that we think will be in the text. Use a dictionary to check the words.

- Skimming and Scanning.   Read the text quickly  the "Westerners turn to a Japanese diet"

- Reading for detail.   Check the sentences True or False.

And i think This is difficult.

- Understanding references.   Underline the noun phrase that each pronoun refers to

- Vocabulary in context.  Complete the definitions with words and phrases from the text.

In classroom a teacher assignment by divide into groups to write healthy food for one week. 


    The teacher assignments to write a Weekly healthy diet planner and find a news from natural disasters.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A healthy diet (week 1)

A healthy diet

On Monday this is a lesson the first time. I learned about "A healthy diet" But before lessons a teacher explained about the course. The program is called "English Reading Strategies"

Course Description:

Development of various skills in reading a repertoire of texts using a variety of reading texts;  inferring meaning from texts by using background predictive skills;  and developing skills to strategies.  Developing knowledge or schemata; participate in activities in contexts where written text has a central role.

This subject has to classroom rules.

On Monday we have read about No more junk food was about the government banned the unhealthy foods in schools. The government wants students to have good health. And also studied grammar structures by using the present continuous structure is subject + v.to be + v. ing

When I learned this, I can identify the types of food between healthy and unhealthy foods. It easy for me because I can understand it!

But the problem is that some words that I can not translate it. As a result, some indecipherable sentence that means. It is difficult for me!

What strategies do you use in reading?

Attitude for this subject.

This course is to strengthen reading skills to be more effective. Not just read, interpret, but then be able to analyze the readings.