วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A healthy diet (week 1)

A healthy diet

On Monday this is a lesson the first time. I learned about "A healthy diet" But before lessons a teacher explained about the course. The program is called "English Reading Strategies"

Course Description:

Development of various skills in reading a repertoire of texts using a variety of reading texts;  inferring meaning from texts by using background predictive skills;  and developing skills to strategies.  Developing knowledge or schemata; participate in activities in contexts where written text has a central role.

This subject has to classroom rules.

On Monday we have read about No more junk food was about the government banned the unhealthy foods in schools. The government wants students to have good health. And also studied grammar structures by using the present continuous structure is subject + v.to be + v. ing

When I learned this, I can identify the types of food between healthy and unhealthy foods. It easy for me because I can understand it!

But the problem is that some words that I can not translate it. As a result, some indecipherable sentence that means. It is difficult for me!

What strategies do you use in reading?

Attitude for this subject.

This course is to strengthen reading skills to be more effective. Not just read, interpret, but then be able to analyze the readings.
