วันจันทร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Problem and Solution (week 13)

Problem and Solution

On Monday 24th April, we studied chapter 9: Problem and Solution. First of all, the teacher checked our names. Next, the teacher gave us the handout about the problem and solution. After that, she told us to read the Problem and Solution in the first page. And then, she explained us to know about the purpose of problem and solution.

Next, the teacher told us to read the example in the handout. And then, she taught us how to understand the passages where is a problem and a solution.

After she told the Problem Markers and highlight the Solution Markers then write either Problem or Solution.

Next she assignment skill practice and opened the Cambridge Dictionary Online found some word.

After we did it finished, the teacher told us to do the exercise 1 that was read the passages and wrote the title. 

Today, I think exercise 1 was difficult because it had a lot of world that I don’t know.

But I think the skill practice activity was easy for me because I could do it correctly. 

I used the Discourse Markers of the Problem and Solution for comprehension the texts and doing the activities in the handout.

I summery about definition and classification for I understand it.
