วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Researchers worry as teens grow up online (week 6)

On Monday 5 September I studies Researchers worry as teens grow up online story. The bodies about researchers and teenagers talked together to opinion about online. In class we read and found the opinion from researcher or teenagers in the bodies that story.     Such as

  •  "We're not only looking at what the computer can do for us, but what are they doing to us"
  •  He's concerned about the "opportunity costs" of so much online time for youths.''
  •  "Chatting online may be better than watching television, but it’s worse than hanging out with real friend."

  •  "School is stressful and busy. There's almost no time to just hang out."
  •  "Talking online is just catch-up time."
  •  "They also appreciate the ability, or take time to think about a response."

For it is difficult to determine the opinion of researchers and adolescents. Because we have to tell that opinion is of whom

#used scanning and reading for detail

And then Teachers ordered to answer questions in the paper.
- Before you read: Check the information you think you will read about in the text.
- Reading: (Part A and B)

(Part C) Answer these questions.

1. I think we had to spent online no more than four per a day, because if we it too much could harm the eyes caused by staring at a screen too much and also gave us time to do something else useful increase. If we had to use it very much, we should break and then used it again.
2. I think that everything can’t be communicated by e- mail but something must to best say face-to-face such as when you wanted to negotiate something you need to talk over e- mailbecause we concluded that well.
3. I dislike lying to me online about appearance because they had secret with me.
- Vocabulary expansion: (Part A and B)

For this part vocabulary it easy for me. Because I learned in Writing for Communication 1 Subject.


Teacher order to found picture about fashion that favorite person and described the hair, cloth and shoes
