วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Narrative continues and Descriptive (week 5)

"Narrative continues" and "Descriptive"

On Monday 30th January, This was a fifth of this subject. I learned Narrative continued from yesterday and I started to learn Descriptive. Before I studied the teacher asked What did we do yesterday”. After she taught and explain us about Narrative. First of all, she made us know the purpose of Narrative is to entertain gain.Then she told that Narrative is finished and we will start Descriptive”. 


Then, she opened the pictures and told us to describe each picture. So, we had to tell the type of the animal, appearance, and diet”.
And then, she gave us the new handout that was the Descriptive”.  And then, she told us to add the information from the handout onto the diagram that I drew. Finally, the teacher told me to do that for the homework. 

I think the description of the animals was easy for me because it wrote from my words.

In addition, I think that activity of discussing the storys symbols was difficult. However, I solve this problem by discussing with my friends.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Narrative (week 4)

Narrative continues

On Sunday 29th January, I studied narrative continued from the last week. So, today was makeup class because of the Monday 13th was a holiday. When the teacher came to the class, she checked our names. After that, she read and explained the story Secretin part one. After she read the part one finished, she told us to make a group for 4 people and complete the summary of the first part of the story by adding 3 fairly short sentences.

This story is about a girl who feels left out from her mother and Philips activities, Killy. One day she becomes interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow her secret helps her to feel less lonely. When her mother and Phillip leave her alone, she goes to share her secret with the hen. So, sometimes she looks her photo album and miss her at the same time, she looks at the lid of well because she wants to go down to the well.

Next, the teacher read and explained the story in the second part. After she read it finished,Then teacher explain the diagramthat we had ever done it since the first time that we learned this lessons. So, we crossed it again and we did it follow the story.

I think, exercise C order a summary of the second partwas easy for me because of I could do it correctly.

I think that I found many difficult words, but I solve this problem by searching them on my smartphone and asking my friends.

I used the imagination in my mind and found the orientation, complication, and climax to comprehend this short story.

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Recount continues and Narrative (week 3)

"Recount continues and Narrative"

On Monday 23th January, I studied recount continues and narrative. So, I learned 2 Chapters. When the teacher came to class, she checked our names. Then, she would like us to talk that was about what did I do on weekend.

So, I told to my friend that: “On my weekend, I went to Jantaburi with friends, we went Khitchakut Mountain to mad a merit also we walked up to the hill, it very height.We spent the time about 8 hours but it made me feel very good.  

After we shared the experiences finished, she assigned it last week. First, it was exercise 3 that was An Excursion to the Botanic Gardens”. Next, exercise 4 that had two texts. She told us to make a group and summarize the text. After we summarized finished, the represent of each group told the story that they summarized in front of the class

For this activity, she searched some words in the Cambridge dictionary such as: 
  • irresponsible (adj.) /ˌɪr.ɪˈspɒn..bəl/ = not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do
  • cunning (adj.) /ˈkʌn.ɪŋ/ = Cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose
  • dishonest (adj.) /dɪˈsɒn.ɪst/ = not honest

Next, the teacher gave us the handout that was Chapter 2: Narrative.  she told us to do the activity that was put a cross on the line in the circle, at an appropriate point, to show how I felt as a child.” After that, she asked us that What is this story? Then she assigned us to read the stories path1 and part2 for homework. 

I think the exercise 3 and 4 were easy for me because I could do it correctly.

I think that I found some words that I didnt know the meaning and pronouncing but I solved this problem by using the dictionary on my smartphone. 

I used past tense to answer the question and I used linking words, specific participants and text organization for understanding the story.

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Recount (week 2)

On Monday 16th January, I learned about 'Recount'. The teacher checked who absence today. Then, she gave us the handout that about the recount lesson. After that, she explained text organization was the structure of the.
Then, she told us to analyze the relation of the text organization, story, and language features. After that, she told us to underline the specific words in the news. And then, she told us to do the exercise 1 that was about analyzing the text. So, it was the personal recount.

When we didn’t know the meaning or how to pronounce the word, she searched the word
For instance:

  • orientation (n.) /ˌɔːr.i.enˈteɪ.ʃən/ = the particular things that a person prefers, believes, thinks, or usually does
  • sandalwood (n.) /ˈsæn.dəl.wʊd/ = the hard light-colored wood of a tree that grows in Southeast Asia and Australia, or the pleasant-smelling oil from this tree

After we read it finished, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback. And then, she taught us to write the dialog from two phases.

I think that the exercise 1 was easy for me because it had the example and I could do it.

I think I found some words that difficult, I solved this problem by using the dictionary in a smartphone.

I used the text organization and Language features to analyze the texts.

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Course introduction (week 1)

Course introduction

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ Course introduction clipart

On Monday 9th January, this subject is A Discourse Approach in Reading and second semester too.

When the teacher came to the class, explained about this course. For instance, What is the discourse marker? After that, she gave me the course outline and the work cheese or handout. Then, we did the activities in that handout. For these activities made me know a lot of the vocabulary and the teacher searched the words that we couldn’t pronounce such as:

  • Polygyny (n.) /pəˈlɪdʒ.ɪ.ni/ = the practice of having more than one wife or permanent female sexual partner at the same time
  • Pharmacological (adj.) /ˌfɑː..kəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ = relating to treatment that uses drug

After we did it finish then, she gave us the paper about a list of discourse markers”.

This activity I completed the sentences so, I think was difficult for me because I made a lot of mistakes.

I think, match the words with the correct genres of the text was easy for me because I could do it though I didn’t do it all correct, but I do it by myself.
ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ introduction clipart