วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning reflection. (week 15)

Learning reflection.

This is the last blog for this semester, English Reading strategies course.

In this class helped me develop skills in reading English better. By scanning, skimming, guessing the words used in these subjects. In addition to the above, there is also a skills development of vocabulary to learn what it means in Thai and English as well

In this class. I was able to read and understand the context of the matter. Main ideas of matter and can answer the question that who, what, where, when, how about reading.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Classic Ann Landers (week 14)

Classic Ann Landers

    On Monday 14th November, I studies about “Classic Ann Landers” . First, the teacher gave me the handout. After that she assigned us to read letters that someone sent to Ann Landers

    After I read finished, the teacher opened the Cambridge 

dictionary again to find some words for teaching us about 

pronunciation and meaning of its. 

    And then I read each letter and its response again and 

answered the questions. After we did finish, she gave 

corrective feedback together.

    After that, the teacher asked us to set the chair for doing.

The summary of the story I thought it was difficult because 

each story had many information so sometimes I make it 

mistake.  But I though the letter in these stories were easy 

because I read it to many times.


    I used reading faster, scanning, skimming, and reading for


วันจันทร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Paragraph reading strategies (week 13)

On Monday November 7, I studies about Paragraph reading strategies. Teacher told me to do in exercise 2 and 3 that read and answer each questions.

Exercise 2 : It was eight short description of books and novels.

After that, Teacher ordered to find about summary each short description.

Exercise 3 :  It was about secret of the Christmas box

I though exercise 2 easy to do because each short 
description had a key word, so easy to find answer.

I though exercise 3 difficult for me because it had many paragraph.

I used the skimming skill.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Read faster (week 12)

On Monday 31st October, I studied about “Extensive reading” that continued from last week ago and started to learn about “Read faster she opened the Cambridge dictionary for teaching how to pronounce the words “accurate” and “accuracy.”
accurate (adj.) /ˈæk.jə.rət/ = correct, exact, and without any mistakes.
accuracy (n.) /ˈæk.jə.rə.si/ = the fact of being exact or correct

    Then, the teacher told us about “fluency is more important than accuracy.” After that, she gave corrective the “Vocabulary focus 1” and “Vocabulary focus 2”. Before she was corrective, she opened the Cambridge dictionary for teaching “how to pronounce” and “what is the meaning” of the words reluctant, effective, consistent, elective, and acquire.
    And then, she told some abbreviations such as “PhD.” “B.Ed.”  and “M.B.A” etc.
PhD. = Doctor of Philosophy
B.Ed. = Bachelor of Education
M.B.A. = Master of Business Administration

    After that, she gave us the handout that was about “Read faster”. Before we learned this lesson, she told us to speak with my partner about “How do you improve your speaking, listening, and writing skills” and “How do you read in English”. Then, the teacher assigned us to think and talk with my friend that was about “What are obstacles to faster reading.
So, I told my friend that “I think if I read I had to understand about the topic, I should read 2 or 3 time. First time, I scan the word if I don’t know of meaning I guess word. And second time, I fine definition of difficult word and the last time I read again and compose meaning”
    And then, we did the activities in the handout.
1. Good reader always reads at the same speed.
2. You should focus on one word at a time.
3. You can only understand every word a text if you read it slowly.
4. You need to understand every word of what you are reading.
5. You should always read from the first word in a text to the last.
6. You should use a dictionary as soon as you come across an unknown word.
        And then, I did the next activities that about “Hints for reading practice”. First, the teacher asked us to read the passage so fast and do not stop. It was difficult for me.
    I found the faster reading that was easy and good for me because of it made me used the time for reading decrease from the past.
    I used skimming, scanning, and guessing the meaning for read in this lesson

    I felt very good for this lesson because most content wasn’t difficult.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Extensive reading (week 11)

On Monday 17th October, Teacher taught us about “extensive reading”. She asked us to discuss with my partner about “what is the extensive reading” and “do you often read in English for your private study?”   
    After that, she told her experiences about her studying. Then, she shows the words that definition and how to read.

Develop :  /dɪˈvel.əp/ meaning : to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form
Development :  /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/ meaning : the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced
Developing :  /dɪˈvel.ə.pɪŋ/ meaning : A developing country or area of the world is poorer and has less advanced industries, especially in Africa, Latin America, or Asia
Extensive :  /ɪkˈsten.sɪv/ meaning : covering a large area; having a great range

    And then, the teacher assigned us to read “simply read” for a long time. Then, we were asked to write sum-up of each paragraph. So, we wrote the sum-up just 4 paragraphs.
Paragraph1 :  A research conducted with English language students in Japan, who failed compulsory English courses.
Paragraph2 :  Research methods and result of the study.
Paragraph3  : Use of extensive reading to improve students’ English language skills.
Paragraph4 :  Important role of extensive reading in language learning success.

    After that, we did exercises “comprehension1 and comprehension2”. Comprehension1 was about “decide the sentence true or false and then write the line number where the evidence is”.

The summarize each paragraph was very difficult for me.

I found the exercises “true or false” were easy for me because it was similar to scanning.

I used the previewing, finding references, and making inferences for reading the text.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Scanning (Week 10)

On Monday 10th October, I learned about scanning. Teacher gave me the handout and she taught me about “what is scanning” and “how to read by using the scanning.

Before I studies she gave me a meaning of scanning and how do you scanning?
  “Scanning is a type of speed reading technique which when you want to find specific information without necessarily understanding the rest of the text or passage. For example, you might scan the list of names in a telephone directory in order to find a phone number. You might scan job advertisements to find a right job.”
    When scanning you:
1. Need to have a question in mind-what the specific information you need;
2. Decide on a key word or expressions that will signal the needed information;
3. Do not read every word, i.e. you can skip over unimportant words or read only the words that answer your questions; and
4. Need to read fast.

Scanning is a skill that you use in the daily life. The following exercises are example of texts that you can use to practice your scanning skill.
      After that, I did the exercise 1 -9 in the handout.
Exercise 1:  I had to read and work quickly about reader’s digest.
Exercise 2:  That was about the index.
Exercise 3:  It was about the telephone listings.
Exercise 4:  That was about the house advertisements.
Exercise 5:  It was about the job advertisements and wrote the correct information in the boxes.
Exercise 6:  That was about the flight and airfare schedules.
Exercise 7:  That was about the TV programs. It had a lot of information.
Exercise 8:  It was about the news the Light Plane Crashes, it was a new story.
Exercise 9: that was about the biography of Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson
I found the difficult thing that exercise 7 because it had a lot of information about TV programmed.

I found the exercise 4 was very easy because it had the key word each picture.

All of exercise I used the scanning skill to do the exercise.

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

West meets East #continuous (week 9)

On Monday 3 October l studied continuous last week about West meets East. We are checked the answers part comprehension 1 and 2 and then teacher ordered to answers part vocabulary focus 1

#she said that when you answer the question you should read the text and guessing the words in the box. After that you choose the words to complete the text. I think so this part difficult for me because the words difficulty.

In the part vocabulary focus 2 to complete the sentences with the correct words.
Part grammar: we often introduce within a sentence using like and such as.
1. Some of the best actors or actresses in my country like Mario have become popular throughout Asia.
2. Many foods from my country such as papaya salad, curry green, and stir fried noodles, have become popular overseas.

Part speaking: Discuss the questions with a partner.
A: The text mentions many celebrities, foods, and products from Asia. Which are you familiar with? Do you like them?
B: Foods, it had many kind and special.
#this part is easy because answers about own ideas.

Essential Skills
Personalization: If you met a foreigners living in your country, what questions would you most want to ask him/her? With a partner make a list of questions. What kind of answers do you expect?
A: Have you ever been to visit in Thailand?
B: I visit to Thailand the first time.
A: What impressed you the most in Thailand?
B: Foods, it special for me.

Used a predicting the words.

And then I read and answer Expat in Asia.

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

West meets East (week 8)

On Monday 26 September l studied with West meets East. Before we studied, teacher show picture in power point, it about west meets east. 

She needs to find meaning the words before we studied.

Part pre-reading: Complete the sentences with the keywords in bold from the text.

After that she ordered to read The "Asianization" of the United States.

#used guessing the words meaning.

She ordered to do homework part comprehension 1 and 2.

วันพุธที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Fashion (week 7)

On Monday 12 September a teacher teach about Fashion. Before studies about fashion story a teacher gave me to a photocopiable activity paper. It about famous fashion items

The underlying message is the meaning of your answers in the space.
 I think that this part easy for me because it had to meaning in the paragraphs.

She gave a paper and ordered to do it. Before read about fashion story I did a pre-reading part, it has to read a world and found a meaning not brought the detail to wrote to main ideas and then math a world to picture, B, C and D

And I read and checked answers about Fusion? Confusion! And then teacher ordered to summarize the main ideas of each paragraphs.
1. it’s not true that Japanese are more conservative than American, especially when it comes to dress.
2. Yumiko had the first bad experience because of her clothes.
3. The second time she was frightened and shocked because a men came up to her and wouldn't go away.
4. Yumiko realized that it was her clothes that were the problem.
5. Yumiko changed the clothes she wore so that she could look more like than Americans.
 6. The image of the country is sometime different from the rarity.

And then I choose summaries about the text were correct. I choose a C (Yumiko had a problem because the Americans thought she wore very sexy clothes. Yumiko changed the clothes she wore so that she could look more like the Americans.)
I think that this part difficult for me because I will must to summaries the key single sentence from a many sentence in the story.

Part grammar: It's (used to) so we have to used (used to) that said what has been done and not done. Such as
  • Yumiko isn’t used to having problem while shopping at nigh. 
  • They are used to seeing girl’s dressed like that.  

For Essential Skills: Look at the picture and found the world that about hair.
And read about the Splitting Hairs


Answer sheets, pages 74 and 75.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Researchers worry as teens grow up online (week 6)

On Monday 5 September I studies Researchers worry as teens grow up online story. The bodies about researchers and teenagers talked together to opinion about online. In class we read and found the opinion from researcher or teenagers in the bodies that story.     Such as

  •  "We're not only looking at what the computer can do for us, but what are they doing to us"
  •  He's concerned about the "opportunity costs" of so much online time for youths.''
  •  "Chatting online may be better than watching television, but it’s worse than hanging out with real friend."

  •  "School is stressful and busy. There's almost no time to just hang out."
  •  "Talking online is just catch-up time."
  •  "They also appreciate the ability, or take time to think about a response."

For it is difficult to determine the opinion of researchers and adolescents. Because we have to tell that opinion is of whom

#used scanning and reading for detail

And then Teachers ordered to answer questions in the paper.
- Before you read: Check the information you think you will read about in the text.
- Reading: (Part A and B)

(Part C) Answer these questions.

1. I think we had to spent online no more than four per a day, because if we it too much could harm the eyes caused by staring at a screen too much and also gave us time to do something else useful increase. If we had to use it very much, we should break and then used it again.
2. I think that everything can’t be communicated by e- mail but something must to best say face-to-face such as when you wanted to negotiate something you need to talk over e- mailbecause we concluded that well.
3. I dislike lying to me online about appearance because they had secret with me.
- Vocabulary expansion: (Part A and B)

For this part vocabulary it easy for me. Because I learned in Writing for Communication 1 Subject.


Teacher order to found picture about fashion that favorite person and described the hair, cloth and shoes

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Today’s technology (week 5)

On Monday 29 August 2016, I studies Today’s technology It’s about the technology such as laptop, computer, weblog, search engine, earphones etc.

Part 1: Solve these anagrams.
- A laptop is a small computer you can carry. (palop)
- You wear to listen to music on your MP3. (anheropes)
Part 2: Put these activities in order of how enjoyable they are to do from number 1 to 9, with 1 as the most enjoyable. And I gave number 1 is using the Internet and number 9 is read a book in a library.

And then I read about the Profcast, In conclusion, it’s websites that students can listen to or watched and help their students to learned, it’s also possible to download them onto MP3 players.

#used faster to read skills.
Past 3: Answer the questions.
- In line 1 (profcast story), how do we knew that Hilary’s family doesn’t live on a single level? Answer is upstairs.
#used guessing words.
Past: Grammar.
Present simple: Routine, habits, facts.
- Hilary is a student.
Present progressive: Actions happening now, descriptions, temporary actions.
- Hilary is sitting upstairs in her bedroom.

And I read Essential Skills.
It’s about musicnews & views.

I answer question each part to easy, but past grammar is difficult.